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@EdWorkforceCmte Advances Bills to Help Students and Workers Succeed

WASHINGTON –Today, the Education and the Workforce Committee advanced four bills to support students and workers: H.J. Res. 116, a Congressional Review Act(CRA) resolution to nullify the Biden administration’s independent contractor rule; H.R. 6418, the Empower Charter School Educators to Lead ActH.R. 3724, the Accreditation for College Excellence Act of 2023; and H.R. 7683, the Respecting the First Amendment on Campus Act.

On passage of the bills, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said: “Partisan accreditors, political litmus tests, and the degradation of Constitutional rights on campus are reducing the value of education programs and setting students back. We passed three bills that emphasize education freedom and work to restore institutions’ core academic functions. We also passed a CRA resolution to stand up for the rights of independent contractors whose livelihoods will be decimated by President Biden’s new rule to reclassify them. Together these four bills will get government and political agendas out of the way and allow America’s students and workers the room to grow.”

H.J. Res. 116, a Congressional Review Act resolution to nullify the Biden administration’s independent contractor rule

  • Offers Congress the opportunity to take a unified stand against the Department’s thirst for more government control over America’s workforce.
  • Upholds entrepreneurial opportunities and flexibility instead of heavy-handed mandates from the federal government.

H.R. 6418, the Empower Charter School Educators to Lead Act

  • Gives state entities the option to award pre-planning subgrants to aspiring charter school leaders.
  • Allows states to provide more technical assistance to applicants.

H.R. 3724, Accreditation for College Excellence Act of 2023

  • Prohibits accreditors from assessing an institution’s commitment to any ideology, belief, or viewpoint for the purposes of receiving accreditation for Higher Education Act (HEA) funding.
  • Limits accreditors from adopting any additional standards for accreditation to receive HEA funding.

H.R. 7683, Respecting the First Amendment on Campus Act

  • Makes free speech on campus a condition of receiving Title IV funds under the HEA.
  • Requires all institutions to disclose annually First Amendment policies held by the institution.
  • Prohibits institutions from forcing students, faculty, or applicants to take political litmus tests.

Full video of the markup can be found here.


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